Bisawo Bya Ssente Appeals to Government for Increase in Emyooga Funds

Bisawo Bya Ssente Appeals to Government for Increase in Emyooga Funds

Muyimbwa Eddylee alias Bisawo bya Ssente,a stalwart NRM supporter from Kasangati has taken President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s clarion call of combating poverty to another level by arranging a business and trade expo for Small scale and Medium Enterprises.

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The expo occurred today (23/02/2024) from R and B Gardens Kasangati and was under the theme of Strengthening the Potentially of Saving and Investment in Small and Medium Businesses to Boost Household Growth.

This expo made history because it had over 200 Kasangati based exhibitors and was graced with over 1000 people who came from different parts of the country.

The expo also included a health camp from which people earned free medication.


Niwamanya Samson: Is the Director African Leather Crafts, a company which makes all kinds of everlasting shoes in different sizes and designs and at a good price.

They also make crafts, belts and key holders and shoes for school going children come with a year one year guarantee

This company is located in Gazaya near Hormisdallen Primary School.

Natukunda Lina: Is also a crafter who makes all kinds of traditional baskets.

These are weaved from natural raw materials such as sweet grass, sisal fibers, banana leaves or raffia

Lina added value on her traditional baskets by making them water proof.

This is done by wrapping the sweet grass or sisal fibers or raffia with a polythene sack threads which prevents water from penetrating.

Lina’s usage of polythene sacks when weaving baskets is an indicator that she directly joined the fight of Environmental Protection and Preservation because one polythene bag takes 10-20 years to decompose

Lina weaves her baskets from her home in Bulamu,Gayaza.


Margaret Nantaba one of the exhibitors told this mighty website that “this expo is a clear manifestation that we are no longer job seekers, our greatest challenge now is a wider market for our product”

She concluded by appealing to government to help them with a wider market for their goods.

Kimuli Dustan who was also one of the exhibitors appealed to government to help them reduce the high taxes they impose on raw materials so as to enable them sell their products at low prices.

He also appealed to government to help them fight fake agricultural drugs on market.

This extra ordinary expo was organized by members of Kasangati Mk Community Development SACCO which was mothered by NRM Kasangati Mobilization team.

Bisawo bya Ssente who chairs both entities appealed to government to increase on the PDM and Emmyoga money such that people can get more capital to establish more enterprises.


By: Omulangira Ddembe Yonah.




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